My name is Laura Schuhn, and I am a doctoral researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). I studied Political Science, Cultural Geography, and Middle Eastern Studies at the FAU and the University of Helsinki. From 2021 to 2023 I was a research fellow at the Chair of Cultural Geography at FAU in a DFG-funded project on geographical imaginations of and about Europe Since 2023 I am a scholarship holder for a PhD in Political Science at the Chair of Middle East Politics and Society at FAU. My PhD project focuses on transformation processes of state-society relations in Saudi Arabia in the light of climate change. My research interests include digital media, in particular Twitter, climate and environmental policies in Saudi Arabia, and the persistence and transformation of political systems. Recently I have discovered the joy of making homemade pasta.

Photo: Lucia Gistl Fotografie